Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Software engineering

There is a lot of confusion in terms of proper software development. Below I will try to gather some important resources that will halp in organised approach towards the topic.


  1. UML 2.5.1. by OMG
  2. BPMN 2.0 by OMG


@misc{GlossarWiki:OMG:UML_2.5.1, author = {Management Group, Object}, title = {OMG Unified Modeling Language -- Version 2.5.1}, howpublished = {}, year = {2017}, month = Dec, url = {}, quality = {5}, note = {} } @standard{omg2011bpmn, added-at = {2013-02-22T22:42:18.000+0100}, author = {OMG}, biburl = {}, file = {omg2011bpmn.pdf:omg2011bpmn.pdf:PDF}, groups = {public}, institution = {Object Management Group}, interhash = {3dc7b0ecb231121716362e43297fd70a}, intrahash = {d71e28d8b21b73a067683ba4bfe0321a}, keywords = {omg standard bpmn}, month = {January}, organization = {Object Management Group}, revision = {2.0}, timestamp = {2013-03-01T23:25:34.000+0100}, title = {{Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), Version 2.0}}, url = {}, username = {porta}, year = 2011 }

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