Saturday, October 05, 2024

Introduction to IT Project Management

The subject is built from lectures, seminars, and laboratory classes. You will get 4 ECTS points after you complete it. The final grade is calculated as

Final = 0.4 T + 0.3 S + 0.3 * L


  • S - Seminar grade - activity and essay
  • L - Laboratory grade
  • T - Test

You need to collect at least 50% of Final to pass.


Lecture topics:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Basic notions in project management. Feasibility study.Software Lifecycle
  3. Project planning and scheduling techniques
  4. Time management
  5. Project cost estimation techniques
  6. Project monitoring and tracking. Software quality. Change management. Software Quality Assurance methods and techniques.
  7. Methodologies of software project management- review (PRINCE2, DSDM, Scrum...)


To access the test use the link (TBA).

The test will be open on TBA


  1. (10 points) Basic assumptions: definition of project objectives, goals, expected delivery dates for a given piece of software. Delivery of PDF file. Target delivery date: 15/03/2024
  2. (10-20 points) Project charter and system requirements in a waterfall methodology. Installation of MS Project or similiar product. No target delivery date. 10 points for project charter 20 points for system requirements.
  3. (10 points) WBS with 2 decomposition levels. Delivery of PDF file. Target delivery date: 05/04/2024
  4. (10 points) Gantt chart. Preparation of analysis of critical path from MS Project. Target delivery date: 12/04/2024
  5. (8 points) Replanning activities. Delivery of PDF report file with changed scope or requirements. Target delivery date: 26/04/2024.
  6. (10 points) Critical path. CPM network diagram. Delivery of report in PDF file. Target delivery date: 10/05/2024
  7. (10 points) User story map. MVP definition with MoSCoW prioritization technique. Delivery of report in PDF file. Target delivery date: 17/05/2024
  8. (10 points) Product backlog. Acceptance criteria. Story points estimation. Work done in Jira or MS Project. Delivery of report in PDF file. Target delivery date: 24/05/2024
  9. (10 points) Sprint simulation. MVP estimation delivery. Burndown charts. Delivery of report in PDF file. Target delivery date: 31/05/2024.
  10. (10 points) Optional. Improvements for items 7,8,9 before. No target delivery date.
  11. (10 points) Traditional and agile approaches differences. Critical evaluation of methodologies. Delivery of PDF report. Target delivery date: 7/06/2024.

up to 40 activity points can be obtained throughout the semester for being active at labs.

Score for labs = (sum of gathered points + sum of activity points) / (maximum sum of points possible to obtain * 100%)


  1. Every seminar is dedicated to discussion on a given topic from the list presented below.
  2. Active students who demointrate knowledge on a given topic might receive up to 10 points every seminar (up to 70 points per semester).
  3. After each seminar, every student submists a short essay on a given topic vie MS Teams assignement. The submission needs to be done within time limit (one week after seminar).
  4. Each essay is assessed up to 40 points (up to 280 points per semester).
  5. Failure to send the essay in time means 0 (zero) points on a given subject.
  6. There no improvements, nor additional dates to submit essays.

Score for seminar = (sum of essay points + sum of activity points) / (maximum sum of essay points * 100%)

Score for seminar is limited to 100%

Seminar topics

  1. Market analysis and feasibility study
  2. Requirements management in projects
  3. Project scheduling
  4. Budget and cash flow in projects
  5. Resource management in projects
  6. Risk management in projects
  7. Team communication in projects

Essay template

  1. A list of the crucial issues occurring in the topic and an essential description of each. (up to 400 words in total) - [assessment: 0 - 10 points]
  2. Current trends, solutions, and approaches (within the topic). _(up to 200 words in total) - [assessment: 0 - 10 points]_
  3. Modern IT tools that support mangers’ work (within a given topic). _(up to 100 words in total) - [assessment: 0 - 10 points]_
  4. Forecasted directions of development in a given topic, opportunities, and threats. _(up to 200 words in total) - [assessment: 0 - 10 points]_

The essay shall not be longer than 2 pages. Any additional pages won't be assessed.

Some useful resources:

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