Thursday, March 13, 2025


Each person prepares and conducts one exercise topic during one class. If deemed necessary, some tasks can be carried out by 2 people. The exercise topic includes:

  • presentation on a given topic - approx. 45 min,
  • instructions for installing/logging in/running test software (preferably a demo available free of charge in the cloud),
  • step-by-step presentation of solving a simple task,
  • presentation of 1-3 tasks to be performed by all people,
  • assistance and supervision over the performance of tasks.


  1. The use of business process modeling software.
  2. The use of requirements management software.
  3. The use of system modeling software using UML.
  4. The use of interface modeling software.
  5. The use of software to create and maintain RACI arrays.
  6. The use of IT project scheduling software.
  7. The use of software for assigning and settling tasks.
  8. The use of software to monitor project implementation.
  9. The use of software for group communication.
  10. The use of software to estimate the total cost of acquiring and maintaining software.
  11. The use of risk management software.
  12. The use of configuration management software.
  13. The use of software integrated with cloud computing.
  14. The use of software to manage testing.
  15. The use of software to manage HR of a team.
  16. The use of softaware to manage documentation.

For attendees

Before the next class, you must upload a report electronically (on MS Teams). It should be one pdf file built incrementally. The file name should comply with the following pattern Lab_SITPM_report_LastName_FirstName.pdf

Content of the report for each task Z1-Z13:

  1. Home
  2. The table contains all tasks Z1-Z13, except for the task presented by the author.
  3. Reports on the implementation of individual tasks Z1-Z13 should include subsections:
    • [ ] Name, purpose, and functionality of the software used.
    • [ ] Description of performed tasks illustrated with screenshots and reports generated by the application.
    • [ ] Each screenshot is signed and described in the report.
    • [ ] Summary:
      • evaluation of the suitability of the software
      • evaluation of software functionality
      • user interface evaluation
      • evaluation of other software attributes

For presenters

Presenters do not write a report on their topic. In return, they provide all training materials, i.e., a slide presentation, a description of the tasks to be performed, and instructions. They should be delivered in one zip file (separate from the report) through MS Teams. The file name needs to comply with the following pattern

The following are evaluated:

  • the quality of the presentation
  • the selection of exercise software (software available online, dedicated excel sheets, etc.)
  • the quality of tasks to be performed
  • the activity in assisting people performing tasks
  • the quality of teaching materials.

Presentation plan

  1. system background, objectives, functions, software structure,
  2. typology, software categories,
  3. Comparison of the functional range and parameters of competing products,
  4. Comparison of market prices of competing products,
  5. Summary of the benefits of the system to users,
  6. presentation of the selected software on which the exercises will be carried out



  • The seminar aims to present selected topics on the broadly understood management of IT teams.
  • Topics include team selection, recruitment of employees in IT companies, motivation, conflict resolution, group work, etc.

General organization of the seminar

  • Number of seminar participants - 20
  • Number of appointments - 7 x 2h
  • Each participant prepares and presents 1 topic.
  • A maximum of 3 topics are presented during one seminar
  • Each presenter has a slot of 30 min = 20-25 min. "Live" presentation with the use of slides + 5-10 min. for discussion


  • The following are evaluated:
    1. Quality of the topic presentation
    2. Quality of "live" topic presentation
    3. The quality of the discussion (must be inspired)

Additional rules:

  1. If the topic does not interest the participants and there is no discussion – rating – 0.5
  2. Activity in the discussion of each topic will be rewarded
  3. a person who will take part in the discussion on at least 5 topics – rating + 0.5
  4. a person who will not participate even once in the discussion – rating – 0.5



  1. Topic of presentation
  2. Introduction: explanation of basic concepts, objectives, applications, etc., and a terminology dictionary.
  3. The main part of the presentation should be illustrated with diagrams, infographics, tables, feature lists, etc.
  4. Showing supporting tools, e.g., free online tests, standard surveys, questionnaires, etc., will be appreciated.
  5. Summary should discuss the importance and use in IT companies.
  6. List of literature used: websites, e-books, tutorials and guides, scientific articles. It is important to provide a full bibliographic description and the year of publication. The literature should include not only articles from Wikipedia and the Encyclopedia of Management but also:
    • At least 3 other sources in Polish
    • At least 3 sources in English
  7. Issues for discussion – 2-3 issues facilitating the start of a discussion on the presented topic


- Each presenter stores his presentation in a .pptx or pdf file via MS Teams 
- If the presenter used the e-book, tutorial, guide, etc., for the presentation, it packs it in a zip together with the presentation and sends it via MS Teams. 
- The presentation should be uploaded by the end of the day the speech was given. 

Presentation topics

  1. Naming and structure of positions in an IT company.
  2. Traits and skills of a good programmer.
  3. Project manager's roles and responsibilities.
  4. Algorithmic tasks during the recruitment of programmers.
  5. Frequently asked questions when recruiting developers.
  6. Harrison competency test.
  7. Personality tests - MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).
  8. Big Five Personality Tests.
  9. DISC personality tests.
  10. Maslow's pyramid of needs and motivation.
  11. ERG Alderfer's theory of motivation.
  12. McGregor's X and Y theory.
  13. McClelland's theory of motivation.
  14. Vroom's motivational theory of expectations.
  15. Skinner's Reinforcement Theory.
  16. Johari window technique.
  17. Moore's Circle of Conflict.
  18. Thomas Killmann Conflict Resolution Strategies.
  19. Group facilitation techniques.
  20. Management of remote work and virtual teams.
  21. Psychological aspects of remote work.

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